Most people will be familiar with the popular show Auction Hunters, a US-based reality show where people run around the country buying up the contents of abandoned storage units to see what treasures they can find. As you can probably guess, we’re big fans of that show at Cheap Storage Sydney, and while we’ve not had an episode of that show come to us (and nor are we going to share the contents that our clients trust us with!), here are some of our favourite stories about what has been found in storage.
1. James Bond’s Submarine Car
The earlier James Bond films are well known for their utterly impossible gadgets. Perhaps the most famous of all was the submarine car from The Spy Who Loved Me. There were eight versions of that car that were made for the film, and one lucky person, on buying the contents of a storage unit for under $100, found one of those cars inside. He later sold it for something much closer to its iconic value – a cool $1 million.
2. One of Nicolas Cage’s most prized possessions
Spare a thought for poor Nic Cage. One of Hollywood’s great talents has found himself in all kinds of bother over the years, and the reason you see him in so many films these days is because he’s got a big tax debt to repay.
He did get lucky once, though. Cage was in possession of an incredibly rare comic book – Action Comics No. 1 (the first Superman comic), which was stolen from him. A full 11 years after it was stolen it was discovered when a man purchased the contents of a storage locker, and just happened to contact the same collectibles expert that sold Cage the comic book in the first place.
3. Snakes and cockroaches
Please don’t store your dangerous (or just plain gross) animals at Cheap Storage Sydney. We’re not a zoo and this isn’t the environment for it, but this is a true story from other storage companies in our country; people have found live snakes and cockroaches kept in storage. Why people would do that, we don’t know either. We almost understand taxidermized animals (after all, some precious pets you just can’t let go of). But not live animals. And speaking off…
4. Body parts (or whole bodies)
Again. We’re not the place to store these things at Cheap Storage Sydney, and you can trust that we most certainly don’t have these things kept with us, but they have been discovered at less professional storage services. Again, don’t ask us what goes through the mind of some people to use storage for these things, but if nothing else, what people store in these storage units is a fascinating look into the human mind.
You can be sure that whatever you store at Cheap Storage Sydney will be very well looked after. Our storage spaces are environment controlled in order to preserve anything from furniture to wood products, right through to paper, and each of our facilities is maintained with the strictest of 24/7 security policies. Contact us today to discuss your storage needs.